Life Size Boxing Robots

Project Gallery

Student Projects


Mugsworth is a coaster that stirs your drink for you and pays you a novel, AI-generated compliment.

The Bean Machine

The Bean Machine is a Simon game that rewards you with a handful of jellybeans when you win!


Auto-Pot is a smart-pot that automatically waters your plant from a hidden reservoir when the soil is dry.


Winkler Guitars LLC

Project Description: Winkler Guitars is a custom guitar maker founded in part by IRL staff member Jonathan Shepard using our wood shop and CNC milling capacity to design, prototype, and produce these beautiful instruments.

Shadowheart Cosplay

Project Description: IRL staff member Hannah Follmar used our 3D printers to produce the armor for this cosplay and used our textiles tools to make all the garments for this ambitious cosplay that took them nearly 4 months to complete.

Pain Display Shelf

Project Description: Dr. William Gillaland of DePaul’s College of Science and Health built this rack to store model paints. The shelf was modified from an open source design and includes 3D printed brick facades that demonstrate each paints’ dry color.
