
Join us on Friday, August 6th at 1 pm for the Mini Cloud Lamp workshop, where we will go through designing and building your very own miniature cloud lamp. This workshop will be about 1 and a half hours long, and at the end you'll walk out with your very own cloud! Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mini-cloud-lamp-workshop-lincoln-park-tickets-163091608391 ...

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Instructions  Decide what surface and pattern you will be making your mosaic onDifferent surfaces will require different amounts of grout. The mosaics can go on items that require a mold to make or on the tops of surfaces such as tables, pencil holders, mirrors. (below are some examples)Models can be made from silicone and items to recycle.  Arrange stones into a design you like, then start gluing the...

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Materials Rubber printing blockLinoleum cutter setInkRubber brayerX-Acto knife or box cutter for sizing the rubber sheetStencil and marker (optional) (find instructions for making stencils here) Instructions Take your rubber printing block and cut it to the size you want using an X-Acto knife or any other cutting tool.(optional) With a marker, fill in the spaces you want to cut out. Use a stencil here if you have one....

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Stencils are useful for all kinds of art projects, from drawing to printmaking and beyond. There are already so many cool stencil designs out there, but if you have access to a 3D printer you have access to an almost unlimited scope of designs. You can find existing 3D models, or design stencils yourself. And if you don’t have a 3D printer, don’t worry! You...

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Over winter quarter, out of various courses offered in CDM’s new industrial design program, which includes a major and a minor, students had the opportunity to take a materials and processes course on wood. The course: ID 210 (a 2-credit course) was taught by Brian Johnson. Students learnt about the biology of wood for the first couple weeks and then jumped into the design...

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You will need: -zipper -sewing machine -pins -seam zipper Take a picture of how the original zipper is placed in your garment before using a seam ripper to remove it from the garment. Use a seam zipper to cut through the stitch line on the zipper until it is free from the garment. Pull off any loose threads.  Take a new zipper (make sure it works) and place it in the same...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hello! Today, I decided to write a post for the IRL as I explored the world of cooking with a Crock Pot. Now, I grew up in Minnesota—the epicenter of the paisley-printed slower cooker—and have been eating crock pot meals since I can remember. Pot roast and pulled pork are staples in my family. But now I am living on my own in Chicago and...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The holidays are a time of family, and giving but also unfortunately waste. Wrapping paper isn't recyclable in every county and sometimes is layered with plastics or foil. With the last minute rush gift prep consider therese more sustainable options.     *My examples aren't waste free, I use plastic scotch tape and plastic stickers but they are more sustainable because I didn't have to go to a...

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It's getting closer to Christmas! And nothing says Christmas like Christmas cookies! Today we're showing you how to make some simple and tasty sugar cookies to warm up your home!Here's what you'll need:- 3/4 cup of sugar- 2/3 cup vegetable oil- 2 tsps baking powder- 2 tsps vanilla extract- 1/2 tsp salt- 2 eggs- 2 cups all-purpose flour- Additional sugar, any other decorations!Here's what you'll...

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