
Hi everyone! Last week we released the second video in our Maker Interview Series. We had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Brandy Perry of HippieNerdCreations and her experiences with creating from her childhood to now. You can watch the interview here! And find Brandy's work below: Etsy : https://www.etsy.com/shop/HippieNerdCreation Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hippienerdcreations Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/hippienerdcreations/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/creations_nerd ...

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Hi everyone! The cold has finally reached Chicago! Chicago winters are notoriously cold- so here's a list of some great warm recipes to keep you warm and safe this season! WARM DRINKS Let's start with a classic! How about some Pumpkin Spice Latte for those cozy mornings or late study nights?In a hurry? Why not try 5 minute Cafe au Lait? What about a Depaul Loop...

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  Leaves are falling, coats have to be worn but what about your summer plants? It can be confusing to know how to take care of our plants as it gets colder and hopefully this guide will help answer some questions. It is important to know some key terminology: Growing Zone, Perennial, Annual, First frost, Overwintering.      What is my Growing Zone?   A grow Zone uses climate data to...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Now that it's both Latinx Heritage month and Spooky Season, we're ending this week with the best of both worlds. Here are some pieces by latinx artists with creepy elements like snakes, skulls, and more.     *none of this work is ours, we are showcasing our favorite artists and the rights belong to them         Ilse Valfré   Nothing says spooky like this LA artist who's trademark styles are her dark...

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Tomorrow marks the start of Inktober - a month long drawing challenge where participants draw something new each day! This year we're posting some alternative prompt lists for participants! While Inktober initially began as a fun challenge for artists, the original creator Jake Parker has plagiarized content from artists Alphonso Dunn for his book on Inktober. You can learn more about Dunn's situation here.Alphonso Dunn...

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Happy Latinx Heritage Month everyone! Every month from September 15th to October 15th, Latinx Heritage Month rolls around - celebrating the culture and heritage of Hispanic and Latinx individuals around the world!September 15th is a significant day for the community because it marks the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Nicaragua! Other Hispanic countries...

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Protest Chicago - https://www.protestchicago.com/ Protest Chicago is a resource that DePaul students can visit if they are looking for non-violent protest events in and around Chicago. This site can provide useful information such as meeting locations, safety tips, and transportation updates. You may also subscribe to rss feed updates to stay informed on protests in your area as they are happening.  Red Cross Chicago - https://www.redcross.org/give-blood.html With Students...

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If you’re like me, you may have seen pictures of cloud lamps all over the internet. To buy a good one, it may cost you around $3000- and since I definitely don’t have that money, I decided I wanted to make one myself. I saw a video on Youtube from the channel EvanandKatelyn as a DIY or Buy on a cloud lamp. I used the...

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Hello everyone! This summer our social media and marketing team has been interviewing a fantastic group of makers across the board of creative mediums. We are so excited to introduce them to you and for you to watch our interviews with them in the coming weeks!We encourage you to take a look at these makers' stores below! Stay tuned!______________________________________INTERVIEWEES Anaya of EllieMayClayA Black owned business founded...

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